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eyebrow microblading.
The procedure sounds a lot like a tattoo, because that’s exactly what it is. More specifically, microblading is a semi-permanent eyebrow tattoo. However, microbladed eyebrows are nothing like the permanent cosmetic tattooed eyebrows of years ago that looked like they were drawn on using a magic marker, which then fade into unnatural shades of blue, green, or pink over time. There are two major differences that make microblading more natural looking compared to the results old techniques are negatively known for.
First, the type of pigment used for microblading has an iron oxide base. Iron oxide has been a popular ingredient in beauty cosmetics for decades. Iron oxide is naturally metabolized by the body over time and allows the color to softly fade and ultimately vanish, unlike the inks used in outdated permanent cosmetic tattoos which was also the same ink used for the barbed-wire arm band that dude has.
Second, microbladed pigment isn’t implanted into the skin as deep as traditional tattoos are. The proper depth for the color to be implanted during the microblading procedure is the first layer of the dermis versus the third layer for traditional tattoos.
The pigment being implanted to the correct depth, combined with its iron oxide base is what gives microblading results the appearance of natural looking eyebrows. The semi-permanent qualities of the microblading pigment prevent it from fading into unnatural shades that are so common with unattractive permanent cosmetic tattoos of the past.
What Is Eyebrow Microblading?
We certainly don’t live in a perfect world. If we did then kittens would stay kittens forever, and everyone would have naturally perfect eyebrows. As nice as that dream sounds, kittens always grow, and naturally perfect eyebrows are rarely the case.
The truth is, eyebrows are not created equally. Some eyebrows are a breeze to make look perfect while others require a small miracle just to get by. Even though naturally perfect brows are hard to come by, eyebrow microblading makes it feasible to transform any set of brows to as close to perfect as possible.
Eyebrow microblading is often referred to as other names such as micropigmentation, microstroking, eyebrow embroidery, 3D eyebrows, and eyebrow feathering. Whatever the name, the procedure of microblading eyebrows is relatively new to the United States, but has been popular around Asia and Europe for over 25 years.
Microbladed eyebrows are not a fad as the industry continues to grow in popularity in the USA. And while we are behind our counterparts across the pond, it's actually a good thing as it has allowed the techniques to evolve and improve since its inception.
Not only do microblading results look amazingly natural, but they also require little to no daily upkeep, so kiss the painstaking daily eyebrow routine goodbye. You'll save a ton of time not having to draw them on, then take one off because it was crooked... and think, shoot now the other one looks wonky!! You may still want to use a little powder or pencil to fill in some small areas, but the microbladed shape will be your guide and you'll never have to worry about your brows looking lopsided.
Although microbladed brows won’t require much daily maintenance, because the results are semi-permanent, they typically last up to 3 years depending on skin type and lifestyle. We recommend a touch up every 12-18 months to keep the color looking vibrant, and the microblade strokes looking crisp.
The fact that they are only semi-permanent eyebrows is actually one of the benefits of microblading, considering how skin changes with age, and eyebrow trends can change over time. The eyebrow shape and color can be adapted to meet your desired style, and there is never any worry about having a traditional permanent tattooed brow fade to an unnatural color.
A microblade hand tool looks similar to an exacto knife, but instead of one big blade it is made up of a series of micro needles. The microblade is dipped into pigment and then used to make a fine cut, or microstroke, in the skin. This process results in the pigment being implanted into the skin, which is known as micropigmentation. With the proper technique, microbladed eyebrow results look beautiful and completely natural.
The best possible healed results require strict adherence to the microblading aftercare instructions, and a full understanding of the microblading healing process.